

Products(Inverter, Debugging Tool, Services)


PRODUCT Catalog V148JP
日本語版(2022-05-132) NEW
PRODUCT Catalog V148EN
English version(Mar, 5, 2022) NEW
Price List except Japan V148EN
English version(Mar, 5, 2022) NEW

Services ( Custom motor controll software / hardware )
サービス ( 特注モータ制御ソフトウェア開発)

 Desk Top Laboratories main services are a custom motor controll software and hardware.
We can develop a motor control driver board or software requested by the customer.
As our experience, we have a lot of achievements especially in various sensorless vector contro
l such as air conditioners, refrigerators, FANs, water pumps, oil pumps, electric tools,
ultra-high speed turbines, vacuum cleaners, etc.
Please feel free to contact us.


Consultation ( Motor control software and hardware )

 We also undertake consulting services to help customers to solve problems during development.
We provide advice related to inverters such as troubleshooting and board design advice. Please feel free to contact us.


Education service ( Motor control software and hardware )

We provide motor control education services for those who have just started motor control.
We can provide education that meets the needs of our customers, such as providing technology for various motor control algorithms, training on motor control hardware design methods, and safety education that is essential when starting power electronics.


Debugging Tool


W2002 CPU waveform viewer (RAM monitor)
W2002 マイコン用波形表示ツール
ICS++ (In Circuit Scope plus)

A new debugging tool for microcomputers. This tool can display the variables in the software used inside the CPU as an oscilloscope-like time waveform, and at the same time change the variables.
With this tool, the insulation between the actual device and the actual device is secured by an optical fiber, so it is possible to debug at a distance of 10m or more from the inverter.
In addition, since it can be used without imposing a heavy CPU load on the user software, it is possible to safely and significantly reduce the time required for debugging.

マイコン用の新しいデバッグツールです。CPUの内部で使用されるソフトウェア上の変数をオシロスコープの ような時間波形として表示し、同時に変数を変更することもできます。このツールでは、実際の装置との間を光ファイバー により絶縁を確保しているため、インバータから10m以上のはなれた所でデバッグすることが可能となります。 また、実際の制御ソフトが実行中に、ユーザーソフトに大きな負担をかけずに使うことができるため、安全に、かつ、 従来よりデバッグに要する時間を大幅に短縮することが可能です。
○○○○○○○○イメージ 新型のW2002は、従来型のW1004と比較してターゲットCPUからの転送レートが最大8Mbpsまで上げられるようになったため、キャリア毎に波形を転送することも可能になりました。
 また、最大チャンネル数も32bit変数で12チャンネルまで, 16bit変数で15チャンネルまで増加させています。

Standard Inverter

DTL's standard inverter has no CPU card on the inverter board. These inverter boards work in combination with our standard CPU cards.


"T1001-A" 2kVA/1.5kW class high voltage inverter

Input voltage AC 0V to AC 265V 2kVA/1.5kW (no PFC)
Input voltage DC 0V to DC400Vmax


"T1001-M" 2kVA/1.5kW class high voltage inverter

Input voltage AC 0V to AC265V 2kVA/1.5kW (no PFC)
Input voltage DC 0V to DC400V max


"T1102" 4kVA/3kW class high voltage inverter

Input voltage AC 0V to AC265V 4kVA/3kW (with PFC)
Input voltage DC 0V to DC400V max


"T1003-A" 300VA/200W class high voltage inverter

Input voltage AC 0V to AC265V 400VA/300W (no PFC)
Input voltage DC 0V to DC400V max


"T2001C" 5A output Low voltage evaluation board

Input voltage DC 0V to 48Vmax
Output current 5A peak

This inverter also includes ICS++ subsets of ICS++ fucntions. The communicaton rate of ICS++ is MAX 8Mbps which is the same as W2002.
T2001C は T2001Bの後継バージョンです。


"T2003C-A" 30A output class low voltage inverter

Input voltage DC 0V to 48V max
Output current 30A peak


"T2005C" 100A output low voltage inverter
"T2005C-DC80" 100A output low voltage inverter

T2005C Input voltage DC 0V to DC48V
T2005C input voltage DC 0V to DC80V
Output current 100A peak


"T2006A" 3 channel low voltage inverters
"T2006A-DC48" 3 channel low voltage invereter

T2006A INPUT voltage DC 0V to 24V
T2006A-DC48 Input voltage DC 0V to 24V
Output current 5A peak

○○○○○○○○イメージ"T4001-A" Trial series Device evaluation inverter

This is module type inverter.This inverter works in combination with CPU card, Inverter card, Diode bridge card.
This inverter spec is changed by the inverter card module.


"ECU001-F14-12V" ECU series RL78/F14 evaluation unit

This inverter unitis RL78F14 ECU evaluation module.
It include the inverter and CPU.

Standard CPU board


(Single inverter support card)
T5101 RL78/G14 64pin
T5102 RL78/F14
T5103 RL78/G1F
T5104 RL78/G1G 32pin
T5105 RL78/G14 32pin
T5108 RL78/G1M
T5109 RL78/F24
T5111 RL78/Gxx

T5201 RX62T 100pin
T5205 RX23T
T5206 RX24T 100pin (A Version)
T5210 RX71M 144pin
T5212 RH850/F1K-S1 64pin)
T5213-TMR RX24T
T5216 RX13T
T5220 RX140
T5222 RH850/P1M

T5301 RX111
T5305 RA2E1 (New)

(Multiple inverter support card)
T6206 RX24T (A Version)
T6207 RX24T (B Version)
T6209 RX63T
T6211 RX66T
T6214 RX72T
T6215 RZ/T1
T6217 RH850P1M-E
T6218 RA6M1
T6219 RA6T1
T6223 RA6T2 (New)
T6225 RX26T (New)
